Use the contact form in the "Contact Us" section under the CONNECT tab to obtain more information on any of WOCC's ministries which also include the Administration Ministry: Christian Education Ministry: First Aid Ministry: Hospitality Ministry (including Greeters and Food Service): Men's Ministry: Multi-Media Ministry: Prayer Ministry: Sacraments Ministry (including Baptism, Communion and Offering): Sick/Shut-In Visitation Ministry: SoS (Seniors of Substance Ministry. Age 55 and above): Women's Ministry ("WOW", Women of WOCC): Youth Ministry (One-Way) as well as the Church Anniversary Committee and Pastor's Aid Committee. Where would the Lord God have you serve? The word ministry comes from the Greek word, "diakaneo", literally meaning to serve.
Outreach Ministry
Matthew: 28:19-20 Leading WOCC's efforts to reach the world through the Word and prayer. We
are used to assure people of the reality of His love; to answer their doubts; to awaken their faith so people hear and
respond as "faith comes by hearing" and to authenticate His message of hope, salvation and
Children's Church
Deuteronomy 32:2 Focusing on the Christian development of children and partnering to make Jesus Christ irresistible to children. Using such tools as AWANA, a Christian curriculum for children. Awana (derived from the first letters of Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed) as taken from 2nd Timothy 2:15 and the mission of Awana is to help churches and parents raise children and youth to know, love and serve Christ. Usually every third Sunday is Children/Youth Sunday.
Levite Ministry
Psalm 91:1 and Romans 12: 10-11 Moses singled out the tribe of Levi to serve as the nation's priests and the descendants played a roll in guarding and serving in the tabernacle (Numbers 3:21-37). The tribe was set apart to perform service in the temple (Numbers18:14, Jeremiah 33:21) in various roles and likewise, this is what members of our Levite ministry are called to do. Requirements are a beautiful spirit, strong back and a servant’s heart. This ministry works hand in hand as needed with our feeding and service to ministries such as Kids Against Hunger, CAIN, Fun to be Fit Day, the Annual Back to School Neighborhood Block Party with WA (Whole Again) and the like when needed.
Music Ministry
Psalm 98:1 Music is a vital part of our worship and sets the tone and atmosphere for worship, prayer, testimony and the Word. We have a primary Adult Choir, Youth
Praise Team, Men's Praise Team, Children's group which includes Praise Team, Dance Ministry and Bell Chorus and a Senior Praise
group all accompanied by great percussion and led by the Minister of Music. Members may also get involved in the audio/visual ministry.